Chris Wurden is dedicated to holding space for you to connect with profound relaxation & lasting transformation. 

He infuses intention setting, reflection, breath, sound (musical & healing), meditation, yogic sleep (yoga nidra), & modern psychology into carefully crafted empowering, safe & supportive experiences.

His goal is to create the space where you are empowered to peel back your layers of thought, anxiety, fear, and supposed to… as a result, reconnecting you to what has been there all along… your deepest most powerful compassionate self.

  • RETURN to your centered & grounded self
  • RESET your breath breathe deeply & freely 
  • ACHIEVE relaxation & leave behind anxiety & stress
  • BREAK OUT of old stale patterns & gain awareness of where you are at right now
  • CONNECT with your body & become more comfortable in your own skin

He acknowledges that it is your birthright to live fully and freely. That you are a whole and complete, courageously curious, infinite possibility!

Dare Greatly & Thrive <3

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